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Hello, author!

Let your art speak through Belitera® and find your reading audience by sharing your masterpiece with us - it is free.

We offer fair terms, effective marketing support, and a user-friendly publishing process!

  • Poetry

    Paint vivid emotions and evoke profound sentiments through the eloquent artistry of poetry. Ebooks, as a distinctive canvas, offer an ideal platform to showcase your verses.

  • Fiction

    Kindle your imaginative faculties and compose compelling narratives that resonate across genres — be it romance, mystery, fantasy, or adventure. Ebooks present an unparalleled medium for articulating your storytelling prowess.

  • Konwledge-based

    Enrich the global audience with your knowledge and insights! Your unique perspectives possess the ability to contribute to the intellectual discourse on specific topics.

  • Fairy Tales

    A well-crafted fairy tale is more than just a story; it is an invitation to escape into realms where imagination knows no boundaries. Inspire readers to believe in the extraordinary, to dream beyond the visible, and to find solace in the realms you create.

  • Tutorials

    Each knowledge and skill has the potential to be turned into a tutorial for a specific issue or process. Tutorials can simplify intricate subjects, providing users with a practical understanding and concepts.

  • Fanfiction

    The satisfaction of engaging with a community that shares your passion? Discover this feeling through fanfiction books!

  • Comics

    As an aspiring comic writer, you possess the power to mold characters, construct worlds, and unfold tales in a sequence of panels, offering readers a visual symphony of storytelling.

  • Or something else?

    Whatever masterpiece you have created - it is worth presenting. Short story, interesting interview or experience put into words? There may be someone over the corner waiting to get inspired and amazed.

What authors say?

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Cooperation with this platform is a great opportunity for my book which was never released. Process of releasing my book with Belitera was very proffesional and fastforward.

— Klára B.

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Experience with this platform encouraged me to publish my books personally as I have found my reading audience.

— Jonathan L.

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I am very happy I've stumbled over Belitera and got the chance to see my poems making people feel something!

— Ashley E.


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